Note: All transient jet data taken and the full code for the 1-D jet model are detailed in papers [1] and [2] and are available for download and use with citation at the link below.
Click here for link to download portal for experimental data and 1-D model code
The experimental findings have led to the development of an evolved 1-D model that uses the same principle of dividing the jet into a series of axial control volumes representing the cross-sectional average quantities as used in [3] and [4]. In addition, the evolved model integrates jet breakup physics and removes other quasi-steady assumptions. This model displays excellent agreement with the experimental transient data, while not increasing the number of tuning inputs from older 1-D models and maintaining similar computational expense.
This model couples together an internal unbroken liquid segment with a surrounding droplet sheath to simulate jet breakup. Schematics of the conceptual model and the implementation of the model using a discretized control volume approach are shown below.
![model graphics](
Right: Control volumes in breakup region.
By allowing the internal liquid core to maintain its initial momentum until it is shed to the droplet sheath, the early Bernoulli-like penetration characteristics of the experiments are captured, while also correctly modeling the quasi-steady well-mixed behavior downstream.
It is clear that for combustion strategies that utilize short, ramped injections such as multi-injection diesel combustion, GCI, and RCCI, the portion of the jet that is dominated by Bernoulli behavior cannot be treated with quasi-steady scaling laws, especially with the addition of transient rate-of-injection profiles.
[1] Neal, N. and Rothamer, D., “Measurement and Characterization of Fully Transient Diesel Fuel Jet Processes in an Optical Engine with Production Injectors,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 1-19, 2016.
[2] Neal, N. and Rothamer, D., “Evolving One-Dimensional Transient Jet Modeling by Integrating Jet Breakup Physics,” International Journal of Engine Research, doi:10.1177/1468087416688119.
[3] Musculus, M.P.B. and Kattke, K., “Entrainment Waves in Diesel Jets,” SAE Technical Paper, 2009-01-1355, 2009.
[4] Pastor, J.V., Lopez, J.J., Garcia, J.M., and Pastor, J.M., “A 1D Model for the Description of Mixing-Controlled Inert Diesel Sprays,” Fuel, Vol. 87, No. 13-14, pp. 2871-2885, Oct 2008.